In today’s modern world, we have access to so much information about the world today. At the touch of a button we can get our hands on whole libraries and get the information we need. One thing that is quite useful today that we all use is a map. Can you imagine what like was like when we couldn’t just look up that hot new restaurant or the theater on our computers or smart phones? It’s a wonder we didn’t get lost all the time! One type of map that we may not think is very useful are terrain maps. Sure, it’s cool to look at mountains and rivers, but what do we use it for? If you’re driving around or navigating a new city, you most probably want a street map. However, don’t discount these terrain maps.  They are quite useful in many ways.
Terrain maps
First, people who do a lot of hiking or going on trails can really use these types of maps. Often there aren’t very many online maps of trails, or sometimes most adventurers don’t really use any trails. In such cases, a terrain map is really useful. Hikers can plan out their routes since they know what to expect when it comes to the terrain they are hiking. Using these maps, they can map out the dangers and pitfalls they should avoid and which parts are safe to camp at. Next, they can be useful for educational purposes. Students can use them to learn about the different types of terrain today.
Terrain maps are accurate and detailed two-dimensional representation of human made and natural features on the surface of the Earth. These maps are used for various applications like hunting, fishing, camping and hiking to resource management, surveying and urban planning. The most unique feature of a terrain map is that three dimensional shape of the Earth’s surface is made by contour lines. Contours are unreal lines that connect locations of the same surface.
Terrain Maps
Terrain map usually use various symbols to describe both human made and natural features such as quarries, buildings, roads, vegetation, lakes and streams. Terrain maps used symbols that represent human constructed and natural features found in the nature or environment. The symbols are used to represent features in three common types such as polygons, lines and points. Points are used to show features like buildings and bridges. Lines are used to illustrate linear features.
Terrain map
Usually, some features include railways, rivers and roads. You may recognize that some maps are using different symbols to illustrate a feature. Nevertheless, you can find different types of maps on the internet. They can help you understand the Earth’s surface with a more realistic appearance that can help you identify the details easily.
Terrain maps